

李伟微,男,汉族,198510月生,教授,博士生导师。国家优秀青年科学基金获得者2011年于华东师范大学获得理学博士学位,2011 – 2013年于日本大阪大学免疫学前沿研究中心(Immunology Frontier Research CenterIFReC)从事博士后研究,20137– 20232月于华东师范大学生命科学学院先后任副研究员(硕导)及紫江青年研究员(博导)。曾任华东师范大学生命科学学院院长助理分子动物学平台主任、中国动物学会甲壳动物学分会副秘书长上海市动物学会理事等职。以通讯作者在J Biol ChemJ ImmunolFASEB J国际知名期刊发表40余篇学术论文,相关成果受到国际知名专家的重点引用和正面评价,并被编入国际权威专著。主持国家自然科学基金、上海市青年科技启明星和上海市自然科学基金等国家和省部级项目。培养多名研究生获得国家奖学金、上海市优秀毕业生并赴海外知名大学或研究机构攻读博士学位或从事博士后研究,培养多名本科生以第一作者在领域内权威SCI期刊发表学术论文。


一、 研究方向







二、 主持项目

[1]. 国家自然科学基金优青项目,323220832024.01 – 2026.12

[2]. 上海市青年科技启明星,20QA14030002020.06 – 2023.05

[3]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,319728202020.01 – 2023.12

[4]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,316021892017.01 – 2019.12

[5]. 上海市自然科学基金,15ZR14108002015.01 – 2017.12


三、 代表性论文updated in Sept 2023

[1].Qin, YK., Zhao, K., Zhou, KM., Luo, Z., Nan, XY., Wang, Q., and Li, WW.  (2023) Subcellular translocation of yorkie through the PRP4K-CRM1 axis  regulates antimicrobial peptides transcription and defense against  bacterial infection in crab. Journal of Immunology, 211: 43-56. (Cover Story)

[2].Zhou, KM., Qin, YK., Song, Y., Zhao, K., Pan, WJ., Nan, XY., Wang, Y., Wang, Q., and Li, WW. (2022)  A novel Ig domain–containing C-type lectin triggers the  intestine–hemocyte axis to regulate antibacterial immunity in crab. Journal of Immunology, 208: 2343-2362.

[3].Zhao, H., Chen, Z., Li, H., Zhao, YH., Wang, Q., and Li, WW.  (2022) Suppressed COP9 signalosome 5 promotes hemocyte proliferation  through Cyclin E in the early G1 phase to defend against bacterial  infection in crab. FASEB Journal, 36: e22321.

[4].Zhao, YH., Li, H., Zhao, H., Sun, WK., Wang, Q., and Li, WW. (2021) An ancient interleukin-16-like molecule regulates hemocyte proliferation via integrin β1 in invertebrates. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 297: 100943.

[5].Sun, WK., Li, H., Zhao, YH., Bai, LW., Qin, YK., Wang, Q., and Li, WW. (2021) Distinct vitellogenin domains differentially regulate immunological outcomes in invertebrates. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 296: 100060.

[6].Li, H., Jin, XK., Zhou, KM., Zhao, H., Zhao, YH., Wang, Q., and Li, WW.  (2021) Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule triggers  membrane-to-nucleus signaling-regulated hemocyte proliferation against  bacterial infection in invertebrates. Journal of Immunology, 207: 2265-2277.

[7].Yang, L., Li, XJ., Qin, X., Wang, Q., Zhou, KM., Li, H., Zhang, X., Wang, Q., and Li, WW. (2019) Deleted in azoospermia-associated protein 2 regulates innate immunity by stimulating Hippo signaling in crab. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294: 14704-14716.

[8].Li, D., Wan, ZC., Li, XJ., Duan, M., Yang, L., Ruan, ZC., Wang, Q., and Li, WW. (2019) Alternatively spliced down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) controls innate immunity in crab. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294: 16440-16450.

[9]. Li, XJ., Yang, L., Li, D., Zhu, Y., Wang, Q., and Li, WW.  (2018) Pathogen-specific binding soluble down syndrome cell adhesion  molecule (Dscam) regulates phagocytosis via membrane-bound Dscam in  crab. Frontiers in Immunology, 9: 801. 


四、 联系方式


