1、 个人基本情况:
2、 个人联系方式:
3、 主要研究方向
目前本人的研究兴趣主要集中在以下三个方面:1. 海水鱼类的生殖调控与人工繁育技术;2. 海水鱼类生殖洄游过程中渗透压调节机理;3. 海水鱼类繁育相关的生态环境研究。
4、 获奖情况:
5、 教学工作
6、 科研项目:
主持国家科技部重点重大项目,先后主持国家自然基金4项, 主持上海市教委“曙光计划” 项目,上海市教委项目等,先后参与国家科技部“973”, “863”和国家自然基金重点项目、省部级项目多项。
1. 国家科技部 “十二五”“科技支撑计划”――“养殖新对象健康苗种扩繁关键技术研究”, 课题总负责人
2. 国家科技部“中国-东盟海水养殖联合研究”国际重大项目主要负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金“配偶选择与关联性环境适应在海水近岸鱼类- - 金钱鱼的研究”, 课题主持人
4. 国家自然科学基金“海水鱼类生殖洄游过程中的渗透压调节机制--以金钱鱼为例 ”, 课题主持人
5. 教育部博士学科专项科研基金“金钱鱼高通量转录组数据分析系统构建”,课题主持人
6. 上海市“曙光计划”“豹纹鳃棘鲈群体遗传学的研究” 课题主持人
7、 正式发表文章
1. Sun Zhen; Yuanzhi Cheng; Junbin Zhang, MITOSCISSOR: a useful tool for auto-assembly of mitogenomic datasets employed in the evolutionary analysis. Molecular Biology Reports, 2004
2. Liu, Zhi Zhi; Zhang, Tian Rui; Su, Li Wei; Zhang, Jun Bin; Yang, Jin Quan,Complete mitochondrial genome of the spotted scat Scatophagus argus (Perciformes: Scatophagidae),Mitochondrial DNA, 5(4), 2013/7/8.
3. Liu, Huifen; Li, Siqi; Hu, Pan; Zhang, Yingying; *Zhang, Junbin,Isolation and characterization of EST - based microsatellite markers for Scatophagus argus based on transcriptome analysis,Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(2), 2013.
4. N Liu; S Li; J Zhang,Isolation and characterization of 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the leopard coral grouper Plectropomus leopardus,Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(7), 2013.
5. Liu, Huifen; *Zhang, Junbin; Cai, Zeping; Song, Yu,Novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the spotted scat Scatophagus argus,Conservation Genetics Resources, 2卷, pp 149-151, 2010/9.
6. Zhang, Junbin; Hanner, Robert,Molecular Approach to the Identification of Fish in the South China Sea,PLos One, 7(2), 2012/2/17.
7. Zhang, Junbin,DNA barcoding is a useful tool for the identification of marine fishes from Japan,Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39(1), pp 31-42, 2011.
8. Zhang, Junbin,Species Identification of Marine Fishes in China with DNA Barcoding,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011(2), 2011.
9. Zhang, Junbin,Exploiting formalin-preserved fish specimens for resources of DNA barcoding,Molecular Ecology Resources, 10(6), pp 935-941, 2010.
10. Zhang, Junbin; Liu Huifen; Song Yu,Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for a threatened reef fish,Conservation Genetics Resources, 2卷, pp 101-103, 2010/2.
11. Zhang, Junbin; Wang, Huajie; Cai, Zeping,The application of DGGE and AFLP-derived SCAR for discrimination between Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss),Food Control, 18(6), pp 672-676, 2007/6.
12. Zhang, Junbin; Huang, Hui; Cai, Zeping; Huang, Liangmin,Species identification in salted products of red snappers by semi-nested PCR-RFLP based on the mitochondria 12S rRNA gene sequence,Food Control, 18(11), pp 1331-1336, 2007/11.
13. Zhang Junbin; Liu Xin,The phylogenetic relationship of the family Lutjanidae based on analyses of AFLP and mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences,ence Bulletin, 51卷, pp 143-148, 2006/12.
14. Zhang, JB; Cai, ZP,Differentiation of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) by the AFLP-derived SCAR,European Food Research and Technology, 223(3), pp 413-417, 2006/7.
15. Zhang, JB; Cai, ZP; Huang, H,Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus,Molecular Ecology Notes, 6(2), pp 408-411, 2006/6.
16. Zhang, JB; Huang, H; Cai, ZP; Huang, LM,Species identification of red snappers by semi-nested PCR-RFLP based on the mitochondrial sequence,Food Control, 17(7), pp 557-563, 2006/7.
17. Zhang, JB; Cai, ZP; Huang, LM,Population genetic structure of crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia, revealed by analysis of the mitochondrial control region,ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63(4), pp 693-704, 2006/5.
18. Zhang, JB; Huang, LM; Huo, HQ,Larval identification of Lutjanus Bloch in Nansha coral reefs by AFLP molecular method,Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 298(1), pp 3-20, 2004/1/7. 期刊论文
19. Yubang Shen; Junbin Zhang; Xiaoyan Xu; Jianjun Fu; Jiale Li,A new haplotype variability in complement C6 is marginally associated with resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila in grass carp,Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 34(5), pp 1360-1365, 2013/5.
20. Shen, Yubang; Zhang, Junbin; Xu, Xiaoyan; Fu, Jianjun; *Li, Jiale,Expression of complement component C7 and involvement in innate immune responses to bacteria in grass carp,Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 33(2), pp 448-454, 2012/8.
21. Shen, Yubang; Zhang, Junbin; Xu, Xiaoyan; Fu, Jianjun; Liu, Feng; Li, Jiale,Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of the complement component Bf/C2 gene in grass carp,Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 32(5), pp 789-795, 2012/5.
22. Mabragana, Ezequiel; Martin Diaz de Astarloa, Juan; Hanner, Robert; Zhang, Junbin; Gonzalez Castro, Mariano,DNA Barcoding Identifies Argentine Fishes from Marine and Brackish Waters,PLos One, 6(12), 2011/12/9.
23. Shen, Yu-Bang; Zhang, Jun-Bin; Xu, Xiao-Yan; Li, Jia-Le,Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of the complement component C6 gene in grass carp,Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 141(1-2), pp 139-143, 2011/5/15.
24. Liu, Jian-Yong; Lun, Zhao-Rong; Zhang, Jun-Bin; Yang, Ting-Bao,Population genetic structure of striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, along the coast of China, inferred by AFLP fingerprinting,Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 37(4), pp 266-274, 2009/10.
25. Hubert N, Hanner R, Holm E, Mandrak NE, Taylor E,Zhang JB, Identifying Canadian Freshwater Fishes through DNA Barcodes,PLoS ONE, 3(6), 2008/6/18.
26. Tang, S.; Chen, C.; Zhan, H.; Zhang, J.; Yang, J.,An appraisal of surface chlorophyll estimation by satellite remote sensing in the South China Sea,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(21), pp 6217-6226, 2008.
27. Huang, H; Dong, ZJ; Huang, LM; Zhang, JB,Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of large subunit rDNA of symbiotic dinoflagellates from scleractinian corals in the Zhubi Coral Reef of the Nansha Islands,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 48(2), pp 148-152, 2006/2.
28.Xingyu Song; Liangmin Huang; Jianlin Zhang; Xiaoping Huang; Junbin Zhang; Jianqiang Yin; Yehui Tan; Sheng Liu,Variation of phytoplankton biomass and primary production in Daya Bay during spring and summer,Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49(11�12), pp 1036-1044, 2004/12.