(A)斑马鱼的低温调控分子网络图。 (B) BCL6与JUN的相互作用在低温下变弱。
该研究成果于2015年7月30号在线发表于国际主流期刊Nucleic Acids Research上,影响因子为9.112。水产与生命学院陈良标教授为本文的通讯作者,其课题组的胡鹏博士为该论文的第一作者。该团队的多位硕士研究生参加了研究。该研究得到国家基金委,科技部973项目,上海高校水产学一流学科建设项目和国家教育部科学技术研究项目资助。
Global identification of the genetic networks and cis-regulatory elements of the cold response in zebrafish
Hu P1, Liu M2, Zhang D2, Wang J2, Niu H2, Liu Y2, Wu Z2, Han B2, Zhai W2, Shen Y3, Chen L4
1Key Laboratory of Aquacultural Resources and Utilization, Ministry of Education, College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.
2Key Laboratory of Aquacultural Resources and Utilization, Ministry of Education, College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China.
3Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.
4Key Laboratory of Aquacultural Resources and Utilization, Ministry of Education, College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China lbchen@shou.edu.cn.
The transcriptional programs of ectothermic teleosts are directly influenced by water temperature. However, the cis- and trans-factors governing cold responses are not well characterized. We profiled transcriptional changes in eight zebrafish tissues exposed to mildly and severely cold temperatures using RNA-Seq. A total of 1943 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, from which 34 clusters representing distinct tissue and temperature response expression patterns were derived using the k-means fuzzy clustering algorithm. The promoter regions of the clustered DEGs that demonstrated strong co-regulation were analysed for enriched cis-regulatory elements with a motif discovery program, DREME. Seventeen motifs, ten known and seven novel, were identified, which covered 23% of the DEGs. Two motifs predicted to be the binding sites for the transcription factors Bcl6 and Jun, respectively, were chosen for experimental verification, and they demonstrated the expected cold-induced and cold-repressed patterns of gene regulation. Protein interaction modeling of the network components followed by experimental validation suggested that Jun physically interacts with Bcl6 and might be a hub factor that orchestrates the cold response in zebrafish. Thus, the methodology used and the regulatory networks uncovered in this study provide a foundation for exploring the mechanisms of cold adaptation in teleosts.