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  1. 个人基本情况:

陈良标,男,教授,博士生导师,中科院百人计划,国家杰出青年基金获得者。1996年获得美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign分子生理学博士学位。19971999年,在美国National Institutes of Health做博士后研究。20002001年,在DoubletwistInc.USA)从事生物信息数据库工作。2001年回国任浙江大学教授。2003-2012年任中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员。2013年起加盟上海海洋大学。现担任海洋生物科学国际联合研究中心主任和水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室主任,先后主持科技部重点研发计划、国家基金委重点、面上等国家级项目10多项,在Nature Nature Communications PNASNucleic Acids ResearchGigascienceMolecular Biology and EvolutionStem Cell and Development 等领域重要杂志发表了一系列论文,在鱼类的适应性进化方面取得了重要成果。获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果一等奖,海洋科学技术一等奖等奖励。毕业的博士生中多人入选国家和地方人才计划


  1. 主要研究方向:







  1. 主持的科研项目:

  2. [1]国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,32130109,耐寒河鲀品种的耐寒主效基因挖掘和应用研究制研究,2022-012026-12283万元,在研,主持;
  1. [2]科技部中国农村技术开发中心,蓝色粮仓科技创新项目,2018YFD0900600,重要养殖生物对典型环境胁迫的响应机制和生理生态效应研究,2018-012022-123617万元,在研,主持;

  2. [3]上海市科学技术委员会,科技创新行动计划“一带一路”国际合作项目,19590750500,海洋生物科学国际联合实验室,2019-112022-10300万元(含单位配套150万元),在研,主持;

  3. [4]上海市教育委员会,科研创新计划项目,2017-01-07-00-10-E00060,以南极亚目鱼类为对象研究环境因子与基因组进化的相互作用及机制,2017-07-2022-06300万元,在研,主持;

  4. [5]国际自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,41761134050,鱼类免疫在极端环境下的进化,2017-012019-12251万元,已结题,主持;

  5. [6]国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31572611,抗冻蛋白基因LD4提高鱼类抗寒性能的分子机制研究,2016-012019-1278万元,已结题,主持;


  1. 代表性论文:

[1]Liangbiao Chen#*, Ying Lu#, Wenhao Li#, Yandong Ren, Mengchao Yu, Shouwen Jiang, Yanxia Fu, Jian Wang, Sihua Peng, Kevin T. Bilyk, Katherine R. Murphy, Xuan Zhuang, Mathias Hune; Wanying Zhai, Wen Wang, Qianghua Xu, Chi-Hing Christina Cheng. (2019) Genomic bases for colonizing the freezing Southern Ocean revealed by the genomes of Antarctic toothfish and Patagonia robalo.GigaScience. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giz016. (IF:7.267)

[2]Zhou T#, Gui L#, Liu M, Li W, Hu P, Duarte DFC, Niu H andChen L*. (2019)Transcriptomic responses to low temperature stress in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus.Fish Shellfish Immunology84:1145-1156. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.10.023 (IF:3.3.185)

[3]Putri RR andChen L*(2018) Spatiotemporal control of zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) gene expression using a light-activated CRISPR activation system.Gene677. (IF:2.498)

[4]Dongsheng Zhang#, Mengchao Yu#, Peng Hu#, Sihua Peng, Yimeng Liu, Weiwen Li, Congcong Wang, Shunping He, Wanying Zhai, Qianghua Xu,Liangbiao Chen*.(2017). Genetic Adaptation of the Schizothoracine Fishes to the Phased Uplifting of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics.7 (4): 1267-1276 (IF:2.742)

[5]Yu M#, Zhang D#, Hu P, Peng S, Li W, He S, Zhai W, Xu Q*,Chen L*.2017Divergent adaptation to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau implicated from transciptome study of Gymnocypris dobula and Schizothorax nukiangensis.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.71:97-105.(IF:0.847)

[6]Lixue Cao#, Qiao Huang#, Zhichao Wu#, Dong-dong Cao#, Zhanling Ma#, Qianghua Xu, Peng Hu, Yanxia Fu, Yu Shen, Jiulin Chan, Cong-zhao Zhou, Wanying Zhai,Liangbiao Chen*.(2016). Neofunctionalization of zona pellucida proteins enhances freeze-prevention in the eggs of Antarctic notothenioids.Nature Communications. 7: 12987 (IF:11.329)

[7]Peng Hu, Mingli Liu, Yimeng Liu, Jinfeng Wang, Dong Zhang, Hongbo Niu, Shouwen Jiang, Jian Wang, Dongsheng Zhang, Bingshe Han, Qianghua Xu andLiangbiao Chen*.(2016). Transcriptome comparison reveals a genetic network regulating the lower temperature limit in fish. Scientific Reports.DOI:10.1038/srep28952 (IF:5.228)

[8]Qianghua Xu*, Chi Zhang, Dongsheng Zhang, Huapeng Jiang, Sihua Peng, Yang Liu, Kai Zhao, Congcong Wang  andLiangbiao Chen*.(2016). Analysis of the erythropoietin of a Tibetan Plateau schizothoracine fish (Gymnocypris dobula) reveals enhanced cytoprotection function in hypoxic environments.BMC Evolutionary Biology.16 (1): 11 (IF:3.368)

[9]Hu P, Liu M, Zhang D, Wang J, Niu H, Liu Y, Wu Z, Han B, Zhai W, Shen Y,ChenL*.(2015). Global identification of the genetic networks and cis-regulatory elements of the cold response in zebrafish,Nucl. Acids Res. 43 (19): 9198-9213. (IF:9.112)

[10]Xu Q, Cai C, Hu X, Liu Y, Guo Y, Hu P, Chen Z, Peng S, Zhang D, Jiang S, Wu Z, Chan J,Chen L*.(2015). Evolutionary suppression of erythropoiesis via the modulation of TGF-β signalling in an Antarctic icefish.MOL ECOL. 24(18):4664-4678. (IF:6.494)

[11]Huang S, Cai M, Zheng Y, Zhou L, Wang Q,Chen L*.(2014). miR-888 in MCF-7 side population sphere cells directly targets E-cadherin.J Genet Genomics. 41(1):35-42. (IF:3.585)

[12]QianghuaXu, Guang Li, Lixue Cao, Zhongjun Wang, Hua Ye, Xiaoyin Chen, Xi Yang, Yiquan Wang, Liangbiao Chen*.(2012). Proteomic characterization and evolutionary analyses of zonapellucida domain-containing proteins in the egg coat of the cephalochordate, Branchiostomabelcheri.BMC Evolutionary Biology. 12 (1): 239 (IF:3.368)

[13]Gu Bin, Zhang Jiarong, Wang Shihao, Song Xiuli, Xu Cheng,Chen Liangbiao*, Zhang Ming* (2012). Aire promotes the self-renewal of embryonic stem cells through Lin28.Stem Cells and Development. 21: 2878-90.(IF:3.727)

[14]Yang R, Dai Z, Chen S, Chen L*.(2011). MicroRNA-mediated gene regulation plays a minor role in the transcriptomic plasticity of cold-acclimated zebrafish brain tissue. BMC Genomics. 12:605. (IF:3.986)

[15]Deng C, Cheng CH, Ye H, He X, Chen L*. (2010). Evolution of an antifreeze protein by neofunctionalization under escape from adaptive conflict. Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107(50):21593-8. (IF:9.674)

[16]Dai Z., Chen Z., Hua Y., Wang Y., Peng S. andChen L*. (2009). Characterization of microRNAs in cephalochordates reveals a correlation between miRNA repertoire homology and morphological similarity in chordate evolution.Evolution and Development. 11(1) 41-49.  (IF:2.716)

[17]Xie C, Huang H, Wei S, Song L, Zhang J, Ritchie R,Chen L, Zhang M and Chen Y (2009). A Comparison of Murine Smooth Muscle Cells Generated from Embryonic versus Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.Stem cells and Development. 18:741-8.(IF:3.727)

[18]Chen Z#, Cheng CH#, Zhang J#, Cao L, Chen L, Zhou L, Jin Y, Ye H, Deng C, Dai Z, Xu Q, Hu P, Sun S, Shen Y, and Chen L*. (2008). Transcriptomic and genomic evolution under constant cold in Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105:12944-12949. (IF:9.674)

[19]Xu Q, Cheng CH, Hu P, Ye H, Chen Z, Cao L, Chen L, Shen Y, Chen L*. (2008). Adaptive evolution of hepcidin genes in antarctic notothenioid fishes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 25(6):1099-112. (IF:9.105)

[20]Sihua Peng, Qianghua Xu, Xuefeng Bruce Ling, XiaoningPeng, Wei Du, Liangbiao Chen* (2003). Molecular classification of cancer types from microarray data using the combination of Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines. FEBS Letters, 555:358-62. (IF:3.169)

[21]Chi-Hing C. Cheng, Liangbiao Chen, Thomas Near, Yumi Jin, (2003). Functional antifreeze glycoprotein genes in temperate-water New Zealand nototheniid fish infer an Antarctic origin. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20(11):1897-908. (IF:9.105)

[22]Chi-Hing C. Cheng and Liangbiao Chen. Evolution of Antifreeze Glycoprotein. Nature. 1999, 401:443-444. (IF:41.456)

[23]Liangbiao Chen, Arthur L. DeVries, Chi-Hing C. Cheng. Evolution of antifreeze glycoprotein gene from a trypsinogen gene in Antarctic notothenioid fish. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1997, 94:3811-3816. (IF:9.674)

[24]Liangbiao Chen, Arthur L. DeVries, Chi-Hing C. Cheng. Convergent evolution of antifreeze glycoproteins in Antarctic notothenioid fish and Arctic cod. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1997, 94:3817-3822. (IF:9.674)


陈良标(1/12); 鱼类抗冻蛋白基因的起源和低温适应的分子发育机制研究教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖, 2020

陈良标(1/15); 极地鱼类适应性进化机制研究中国海洋学会海洋科学技术奖一等奖, 2019


  1. 联系方式:

电话: 021-61900492

E-mail: lbchen@shou.edu.cn


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